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The Berwick Election Commissioners met agaie on Tuesday. Mr. Disraeli was first examined. Ho gave an account of his acquaintance with Alexander Brodie, whose ease he thought a hard one, and said that Brodie should have some small place under Government. Brodie intro- duced hiixiself, and told Mr. Disraeli the story of his-ill-usage. After the formation of Lord-Derby's Government, Brodie wrote to Mr. INs- raeli, who directed some small place to be-given him. He did not get the office of Sergeant-saddler, because it was found unsafe to employ him ; there was no imputation on his moral character. " I afterwards saw Brodie, but always in the street, with one exception; he had else- where got a situation of 2001. a year." Brodie used to accost Mr. Dis-. raeli in the street,, evert when- the Cdtaneeller was, in, the- company of others, but only made an impression that he had an infirmity : he would. take off his hat and bow to. M. Disraeli end say, " There is a man who is my friend," with other e,xtravagent language. Brodie was continually at Downing Street; and the people there wished to place him under-the surveillance of the polices, but Hr. Disraeli peremptorily desired nothing of the sort to be, done. Brodie wag simply troublesome, but quite harm- less. Mr. Disraeli. met Brodie one evening in the corridor of the House ; Brodie took off his hat and said, " I must have a word with you on a matter of life and death ; what I have to say is of the greatest conse- quence to Mr. Earle," The corridor the last place in the world for a. secret conversation. Brodie said he could be of no use to MT; Earle Mr. Disraeli referred him to Mr. Earle ; Brodie said he had been to Mr. Rose; who would, not age him lto asked fer a letter of introduction, to. Mr. Rose. Mr.. Disraeli wrote a little memorandum, addressed to, Rose, asking, for a hearing to Brodie. The whole of the circumstances would have passed, from Mr. Disraeli:s memory had it not been for a letter he received proposing to withdraw the Frome petition if Mr. Nicoll was not indicted for conspiracy. It is utterly false to say that Mr. Rose would give money to 'Brodie, to go to Berwick and get votes. Brodie ones rushed out from some, ruins in Downing Street in an excited state, and said Rose would, not see hire. Mr. Disraeli then, desired the lice to have an eye upon Brodie, and prevent 14 dogging him. Mx. Disraeli was anxious for Mr. Earle's success; Mr. Earle had, stipulated on accepting the secretaryship, that he shonnl net be, prevented having a seat.. It is a moot point whether a secretary, should_ be in Parliament or not ; but I did not wish to, stand, in tire, ,way of any young nsan's career." Jr. Disraeli did not inteeferenhout the, Berwick barracks; he referred the matter to. the War Office. The Government sent commis- sioners to inspect all the northern barracks, and Mr. Earle made " a little flourish " about it: it Was " a venial offence," General Peel was examined as to the reoccupation, of the barracks, The engineer of the disteict reported in favour of the occupation. Re was not indu,ced to interfere on account of the election, but solely front the report. Mr. Rose gave a narrative of his interviews, with Brodie, who made a bad impression, upon him by his excitement of, manner and redolence of spirits. Brodie wished to be employed at Frome against Mr. Nicoll. The Froine petition was withdrawn by Mr. Nicoll on two conditions. First, that Lord E.. Thynne should declare that Mr. Nicoll had anted as a gentleman. Secondly, that Mr. Disraeli would refrain, from proceedings. The last condition was utterly incomprehensible, ex- cept in connexion with Brodie. Mr. Rose also explained the circum- stances of the withdrawal of the Berwick petition ; it was a. comPre. mise to save one segi,t.., Mr. Baker, the liberal agent, also explained the compromise. Ile 'jog: person down to Berwick, who discovered Unit sixty-two personalkAlmen paid 27. each. A list was handed in. Captain Gordon was called, and proved that le paid 1001. to M'Gall in March 1859. He had also given him. 504_4 1898, but 31`Gall did not think that sufficient for his trouble. Re did not wish the money spent in bribery, but distributed in charity without regard.to the objects being voters, M'Gall was called, but did not appear. Mr. Fluter, his solicitor, pro- duced a letter from:1km, bearing the Dover post-mark, which expressed a hope that he would be out of England ere it reached its destination; he complained that he was browbeaten by the Chief Commissioner, and that, it we intendeel, commit teinkfm• his Inenol.igkeemi7 Mr. Edward Ellice, Member for Coventry, writes to the Mayor of that town, from Brechin. Castle, -on the 31st of October, in reply to an application for his intercession with the. Chancellor of the Exchequer on the subject of the Paper-duty as applied to Coventry. Mr. Ellice refuses to interfere ; he cannot see in what way he "can bring reason or influ- ence to bear on Mr. Gladstone." The Freneh treaty was made to satisfy the exigencies of particular Members of the Cabinet and their connexion.; the conduct of the Cabinet on finance has been inconsistent ; they con- cealed the expenditure upon fortifications and the Chinese war, which were obvious to all the world. Mr. Ellice voted against the atteratimi of the Customs-duties on paper, and although be knows of no greater cala- mity than the weakening. of. Lord relmereten's power and authority at this moment, not even that calamity will induce him to support a vast and speculative system of Finance next session.
The Master Cutler of Sheffield forwarded the Address of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire, by post, to Lord Palmerston; it was intended for presentation at Wentworth. Lord Palmerston's reply regrets his inability to meet the Cutlers ; he adds—" It ought always to bathe study of every man charged with the responsibility of duties in the public service so to act as to deserve the good opinion and approbation of his fellow-countrymen. and it must always be the most highly-priced reward of his labours to find that this object has been attained."
Lord Palmerston was presented, in town, on Tuesday, by a deputathm, with the address intended for presentation at Wakefield.
The Convocation of the prelates and clergy of the province of Ont- terbury stands prorogued by Royal writ until Friday, the 4th of January, 1861.
The Count de Persigny left Paris for London on Thursday, the invi- tation to the Lord Mayor's banquet having been transmitted to him by Lord John Russell, The statement made in the public journals, that the Ambassadors in London determined not to attend the dinner in cense- ' quenee of the present state of politica, is incorrect.,
The remains of the late Earl of Dundonald will he buried on Wed- nesday next in Westminster Abbey, where they will fitly repose.
Mr. Thomas Wrigley writes to the Timer, taking his text from the Helmshore accident, upon the means of prevention of Railway accidents in general. Concluding a long letter on Thursday, Mr. Wrigley suggests legislation to procure :- 1. An uniform description of signale to be used throughout the king- dom. 2. The signals should' " speak" one uniform language, which should always be used in the affirmative. 3. No train to move without a break van of a proportionate weight to the weight of carriage. 4, A ' means of communication between the driver and the guard. 5. No train to pass a first-class station at more than ton miles an hour. 6. When there is only a single line of rails, no trains to cross each other.
We have heard what we can scarcely believe, that an historian of long note, taking an interest in one of the candidates at a recent military examination, has been indiscreet enough to address a letter to each of the examiners, calling their attention to the claims for. consideration which that candidate might be supposed to derive. front the social position and wealth of Ins family. We are surprised, .putting aside all other considera- tions as completely as.this eminent Mennen appears to have done, that be should net. have been aware that, as the candidates are only known by number and not by name to the examiners, his good offices thus exerted must necessarily prove Iruitlees.-2ymes.
The Empress of Austria, who is suffering from illness, is going to Madeira, and will be conveyed in a British man-of-war.
A report as to the dangerous illness of Lord St. Leonardo is incorrect; he is in the enjoyment of his usual health.
The announcement of the contemplated marriage between the Princess Alice and Prince Louis of licese-Darmstadt is premature.
" Geuecal de Montauban," says the Journal du Havre, "has, it is said, been, named; a senator, as a reward for the skill he.displayed in preparing and executipg the attack on the Chinese positions."
A letter from Vienna says—" Messrs. Roebuck and Lover have had the honour of dining with the Arolubtke Ferdinand Meximilian at Minimum" The Honourable and Reverend Mr. Neville was appointed Vice-Chan- cellor of the University of Cambridge, on Monday,, for the ensuing academi- cal year.
The Ordinary of Newgate, the Reverend John Davis, is appointed Lord Mayor's Chaplain for Mr. Alderman Cubitt's term of office.
The Earl of Aberdeen has recovered from his recent severe illness, Lady Dufferin left, a few days ago, to visit her sop, Lord Dufferin, the British Commissioner in Syria. Lord Dufferin was suffering from timer, but according to the last-accounts received this week, he was in a fair way of recovery.
Sir Charles Napier died On Tqcsday at, his reptdeeee in Hampshire, follow- ing in death his brother' admiral, Dundonald, within a week. Sir. Charles was born at Merchistonn Hall, Stirling.shire, on the 6th of March, 1786. He was descended from that Napier who invented logarithms. Entering the nary. at thirteeo, Cherles Napier saw active service in the days of Nelson in the North Sea, Mediterranean, and. West Indies. Ho had his thigh broken in an action with a French corvette of 22 guns, and he planted the standard of. Old England on Fort St. Edward in the attack on Martinique. He assisted Cochrane in chasing three.Prenelishipa and cap- turing one of therm a seventy-low, Next, he went to the Peninsula, where he saw campaigning on land with his cousinst.the other. Sir Charles, George, .and William Napier. After fourteen years inaction, ho embarked in the service of the Portuguse, and. vanquished the fleet of Don Miguel. In 1839, be was appointed second 'in Command, wider Admiral Stopford,in the Mediterranean. Ilia deeds at Sidon, Beyrout, and Acre are well known. He was next placed in command of the Channel fleet, and worked out some reforms; but he made himself obnoxious to Ministers on account of his personalities. His career in the Bettie is well known. Sir Charles repre- sented Southwark in Parliament, and was one of the notabilities of the Commons.
The oldest metropolitan literary publisher, Mr. Henry Butterworth, of Fleet Street, died on Friday week„ =hie seventy-sixth year. Madame George Sand is dangerously ill, at her country-house rendered celebrated by her writings—Nohant. All the Russian nobility and gentry now staying in London attended Divine service at the Russian Chapel on Sunday last. The chapel was hung in deep mourning, in honour of the late Dowager Empress of Russia, and a solemn service was read by the Reverend Mr. Popped Baron Marochetti's statue of Richard of the Lion Heart is up in Old Palace Yard.
The marble bunt of Alexander von Humboldt, by David, of Angers, has just been purchased for the Louvre, at an auction in Berlin, at a cost of 7500 francs.
There is to be a grand exhibition of Italian pictures in Florence next summer, in aid of which the chief Italian cities are to contribute large sums of money.