The Bank Directors have at length raised the rate of discount from 4, at which it had stood since the 24th of Man to 41 per cent : it had been expected in many quarters that '1 per cent would have been resolved upon, but the mea-
sure seems to have been adequate to existing circumstances, and a degree of firmness was afterwards experienced in the Money Market which had not
been felt for some time. Consols advanced nearly 4 per cent. Hiatt remark- able circumstance, that whenever a rise in the rate of interest is expected quotations are depressed, and stales of stock are pressedsmenthe market, but
it frequently happens that immediately upon the measure. the resolved upon, a demand sets in and prices advance; this was especially the case yesterday. The discount houses have raised their allowance on deposits to 3f per cent on Money at call, and 31 -withiewer days'to run. This has been settling week in Consols, and the chief business up to yesterday was in connexion therewith ; there are however some very large
accounts open for December by parties who have operated in anticipation of
a recovery'of the halt-yearly dividend. Consols for Money opened on Mon- day, 93 931, and for December, 934 934. After the alteration y.esterday in the rate, the quotation improved to 931 buyers; there hem since been a alight reaction, and the closing figure this afternoon-is 931 buyers. Reduced and New. Three per Cents, 914 91x; India Stock has been negotiated at 2231, Bank Stock at 232, and Exchequer Bills at 3 dia. India Five per Cents are 103/ 1031. The Foreign Market has been characterized this week by great firmness, and, although there has not been any great alteration in the prices, atilt
from:the continued inquiry there is every indication of an advance setting in ; the scarcity of stock on the Market, and the near approach of the half Year, when most of the dividends are due, have drawn.public attention to this Market, many of the stocks ruling at very low figures. The following are the latest in some of the leading—Grenada Active, 151 104; Grenada Deferred, 51 6; Venezuela, 22 23; Venezuela Deferred, 11 12; Mexican heavy, .Z2 221; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Gent, 941 951; Peruvian
Three per Cent, 731 741; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cent Dollar Bonds, 82 &I Ditto Uribarren, n 84; Victor Emmanuel and Sardinian Bonds are both in demand, the former at 96 97; and the latter at 85 86; Brazilian, 88 89 ; Russian, 94 95; Turkish Six per Cent, 71 72; Ditto New, 57f 581; 'Milian-Six per Cent, 102 104 ; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 94 95; Spanish Three per Cent, 49 491; Ditto Certificates; 6 61.
The Railway Share Maritet has again been active, a good deal of bnsiness
having been transacted every day. again prices show an alteration in most undertakinga, but after considerable. daily fluctuations the final change is not very material. Midland leaves off 1331 1331 ; Great Western, 731 73f; London and 'North-Western, 1001 1001 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1001 1001 ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 294 294; Chester and Holy- head, 521 53 ; CalMonian, 92f 92f ; and -Brighton, 1141 115f ; South-Eastern and Dover, 81E8'4- "Greir Northern 114 115; Ditto; A Stock, 115 117,; Manchester, Shield, and Lincoln, 4611`461 The French Market bas likewise been very active, caused principally by the improvement on ,the• Paris Bourse. —LombardosVenetian Shares have risen to par k prem., 'and Paris and Lyons. to 36 36} ex div. ; Paris and Gtrasbpurg, 261 261 ; Namur and ,Lie 8; Sambre and Meuse, 516. rand,Trunk of Canada Sharei bairn rpressed down to 201 211, owing to, the unfavourable intelligence,brop t °yet. hrtheAfrica ; at one time the excitement was equal to a panic. reat Western of Canada Shares, 111 llf ; this slightly-41'61er than therhatebeen.1 ,.;
Generally the markets remain Without aity material change.