There has been some hubbub this week respecting a projected
excur- sion of Volunteers to Paris. A Mr. Klotz-Rowsell proposed that Volun- teers should go in uniform with arms and be reviewed by the Emperor —brigaded with the French troops, and so on. The man had the im-
eudence to write to the Emperor. Of course he got a civil reply—the mperor would bepolite, but the military part of the proposal was in- admissible. Eowsell applied to our own authorities, but got no en- couragement from them. The public took up the matter, and denounced the whole scheme as vicious, and ridiculous. For our parts, we hold that Volunteers have no right to go and parade ,their, uniforms abroad, and those ought to be sent to Coventry who do so: The French would never understand that the visit was, not intended as an insult or a de- fiance, and would treat the visitors accordingly. Has Mr. Rowsell any pecuniary interest in the matter ?