Life in the Cloister, in the Papal Court, and in
Exile : an Auto- biography. By Giuseppe Maria Campanella. (Bentley and Son.)— This is the sequel to a volume which excited considerable interest about three years ago. Signor Campanella takes up the story where ho loft it, at the capitulation of Venice, where he had acted as chaplain to a regiment of Volunteers. His first move was to Corfu, where, how- ever, ho and his comrades were not permitted to land, a somewhat curious proceeding on the part of the Lord High Commissioner, sur- passed, indeed, afterwards by the violence of the Governor of Malta, an Irishman and an Ultramontane, in refusing the eamo request. The exiles found a home for awhile in Greece, where the Signor had an in- teresting meeting with some brigands. From Greece he went to Constanti- nople and thence to London. Here Cardinal Wiseman made him an offer —he was in the deepest want at the time—of a situation as "Master of the Gregorian Chant," with a salary of £300 per annum, if he would re- turn to his allegiance as a priest. His subsequent fortunes, his visit to Italy, when it was no longer a crime to love liberty, with the interesting episode of "La Roeinolla," are related in a narrative which is made very attractive by its simplicity. The author has not got the stirring incidents of his earlier life to write of, but ho has a tale to toll which may be read with much pleasure. Signor Campanella is also, as indeed his first profes- sion entitles him to be, something of a theologian, and writes an excel- lent essay on " The Prescience of God." An appendix brings under the notice of the reader an excellent orphan-home in Florence, called, from its first founder, the Collegio Ferretti ; it may be described as a " Pro- testant House of Education for Girls." How much education is needed for women, at least in some parts of Italy, may be seen from the author's very graphic description of his visit to hie home in Spinnezola. The address of the Orphan Home is 1.0 Via del Gignolo, outside the Portaalla Cross, Florence.