10 NOVEMBER 1877, page 15
The Two Superfluities.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THR ., EITOTATOR:1 Sin,—May I submit to you and, if it be found fitting, also to your readers, what seems to me to be a practical summary of certain advanced......
Mr. Baldwin Brown And Universalism.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF TRH " BrIDDTATOR."] SIII,—Permit a very few words of rejoinder to Mr. Baldwin Brown's statement that I have charged Universalism upon him. On referring to my......
Mr. J. S. Mill On Immortality.
fTO THE EDITOR. OF THE " EFROTATOR.") SIE,—If Professor Stanley Jevons will examine my letter in the .Spectator of October 27, he will see, I think, that it in no way , commits......