Report on Competition No. 7
PRIZES of book tokens for £2 2S. and LI Is. were offered for Clerihews or Limericks introducing any of the thirteen gentle-
men whose names recur in varied contexts lower on this page. This competition proved, by a margin of more than zoo entries, much the most popular of any since this series was begun, and adjudication became embarrassingly difficult. There is little to choose between the dozen most successful entries, and in the circumstances the best course seems to be to vary the terms of the award and present prizes of Li Is. each to Messrs. William Stewart and W. E. Green (whose verses on Blum and Ribbentrop seem respectively the best of two excellent sets), and give prizes of Jos. 6d. each to Miss Maud Budden and Lady Violet Powell. Mr. W. J. F. Thompson's entry was adorned by some excellent drawings. Numerous competitors are commended.
First Prizes.
Ribbentrop 'S buying ersatz ginger-pop, Which he sells again As champagne.
When appeased, Adolf' s figure Swells and grows bigger and bigger.
Oppose him, and Hitler Grows littler.
Said Adolf, " Kaum Haben wir Lebensraum."
He must have been referring To Goering. Dr. Goebbels Just burbles and burbles. His propaganda's no use— The propagoose!
Le general Gamelin C'est un michant gamin.
Il frappe les pauvres Boches, Comme a Foch.
Belisha Rigs out his militia In headgear more suited to deacons, Or beacons. W. E. GREEN.
M. Leon Blum Gov'ent ain't 'aff takken a Said (i' French like)
goomm! "By
besom To communism!"
Daladier Etait malade hier: On dit qu'il 3 sonne Pour Bonnet.
Herr von Ribbentrop Told Stalin to stop. Joe said: " I've hardly begun!" But that was only his fun.
Viscount Gort Has been known to snort When they gave him plum-and- apple jam With ham.
Mr. Churchill Cannot read Virgil: Biographers with a little Latin Will always put that in. When Mr. Hore-Belisha Broadcast to the militia His absent smile Puzzled the rank-and-file.
Herr Hitler Refused to meet Emile Littler And so never became A pantomime dame.
Mr. Molotoff Said Turkey was off ; But he hoped to have a little isthmus For Christmas.
Marshal Goering Needed reassuring Over some roubles Entrusted to Goebbels.
General Gamelin Heard a bang: He said: " Fine!
There goes the Siegfried Line." WILLIAM STEWART.
Second Prizes.'
General Gamelin Used to ride a camel in African oases ; Circumstances alter cases.
Joseph Stalin Besieged Tallin On the grounds that Estonians Had begun to dress like Old Etonians.
I wish Hitler, The Littler, Was like the Great Fred. Fred's dead.
Molotoff Is considered a little " off." The Corps Diplomatique Don't like his technique.
"From what I've seen So far—" muttered Stalin, " I don't think a lot of Molotov."
That his present perch ill Suits Winston Churchill:
Is a point to which Marshal
Goering Is constantly refocrr:ng. Leon Blum Always leaves the room When the talk gets unfair To the " Front Populaire." VIOLET POWELL.
" Wart," Said Gort, Referring
To Goering. MAUD BUDDEN.
Gort Studied the weather report, Looked at the ground And sent for Sir Dudley Pound.
Gamelin Cried " C'est le fin!
The West Wall of von Brauchitsch Is Nothing But a ditch."
" Tut!" cried Lord Gort, " It is just as I thought. This is hock Not medoc."
Belisha Differs as much from Elisha As does Hitler From Miss Unity Mitler.
BASIL WRIGHT. of One day his son youth) Told the truth: This occasion painfully dwells In the recollecuon of both the . boy and Dr. Goebbels. G. T. C. JONES. (a promising If profound knowledge strategy Makes a good C.-in-C., My barber ought To supplant Gort.
Leslie Hore-Belisha Founded the Mihtia. Pedestrians feel forsaken By the step that he has taken.
M. Edouard Daladier Merite les eloges d'un balladier. Que la France eat pate a route epreuve Il a fait des preuves.
When Josef Stalin Ordered the Russian troops to fall in,
He said " It's just a sop
To von Ribbentrop."
To prevent Hitler and Goering From recurring Is the pious thought Of General Gort. Hermann Goering Lay softly purring.
He'd eaten the bits Of his lion Fritz.
To the Soviet protests that our blockade search'll Ruin their trade Mr. Churchill Made no reply.
(Nor should I.) On dit que les Communistes En France sont bien tristes Et que M. Blum Est plein d'amertume. N. E. MARKT AT.
Whoever reared Hitler, We have no wish to belittle 'er. But you must confess It was not a complete success. E. RUSSELL.
German manners (admitted Goering) Are not alluring ; Our charm lies Mainly in our size.
Field Marshal Goering Was once heard purring. When Daladier asked him the cause He showed him his claws.
Ribbentrop Seems to have been caught on the hop: What ho!
He'll soon be Ribben-de-trop!
A well-known trick of Goering Is purring.
Though he's pleased with him- self in excelsis, Nobody else is.
Said Field Marshal Goering, This strategy's boring, When I've sworn, without malice, To sleep before Christmas in Buckingham Palace. LAURENCE HALL.
General Lord Gort Was heard to utter a slight snort
When told that General Goering Considered him boring.
THOMAS BODKIN. Premier Daladier Is becoming faddier. He's making things hum For Monsieur Blum.
P. R. EvEaErr.
Mr. Hore-Belisha Isn't Elisha.
All the same his desire Is for chariots of fire.
Daladier Grows hardier and hardier
" In the fell clutch of circumstance," Like France!
When we seek inspiration, our search'll Be rewarded by Churchill ; What a noble oration, for instance, Was Winston's! GUY INNES.
" Nous voici chez Maginot " dit Gamelin, " C'est pas mal, enfin?"
" Il est bon," dit Gort, " Mais—pardon—que je ferme
la porte." ARTHUR LANE.
" C.e Gort Est un ' good sort '," Disait Gamelin A Chamberlain. GRAY I wonder why Mr. Winston Churchill is so fond of reading and quoting Vergil?
He's a man one can hardly see as Pius Aeneas.
Reichsfiihrer Hitler Would like to change his victualler.
Though the man is a good Nazi His meat is too ersatzy.
Stalin Is not a good pal in A tight corner: He's too like Jack Homer.
Mr. Leslie Hore-Belisha Gets nisher and nisher. 0, what a long while Since he began to smile!
Field-Marshal Lord Gort Hotly affirmed over the port That you couldn't compare the waters at Pau With those on the Ligne Maginot. Mr. Chamberlain Said, " I won't do the same again, Everybody wears a tunic Since Munich."
I take my hat off To Monsieur Molotoff For an excellent denunciation Of the British nation.
T. B. HurroN.
Mr. Chamberlain
Was the Left Wing's bane Until he declared war: Now they hate him more.
Field-Marshal Goering Said, " Will those planes never stop whirring?
Wherever a man sits He's tormented by Messer- schmidts." D. G.
M. Edouard Daladier Est un preux chevalier: Et nous avons confiance En France.
E. A.