10 NOVEMBER 1939, page 2

News Of The Week

T HE fact that the attack on Herr Hitler's life in the Munich beer-cellar on Wednesday was unsuccessful does not destroy its significance. The official claim that it was the......

Arms From America

The eyes of all the world have been fixed upon the United States in the long-drawn-out conflict over the Neutrality Act and its amendment, for upon the issue depended the power......

The Indian Deadlock

The publication by the Viceroy of India of a Memorandum summarising his recent talks with Indian political leaders records their failure, and indicates clearly enough the cause.......

General Smuts's Opponents

General Hertzog, recently Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, so far from accepting his defeat on the war issue by General Smuts, is now endeavouring to con- solidate......

The Gospel According To Moscow

Germany will get little aid or comfort from the proceed- ings in Moscow on the 22nd anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution. M. Molotov's speech was discreet rather in what it......