SrR,—I write on Monday, October 3oth. We here have today received The Spectator dated Friday, October loth (eleven days, allowing for the fact that it was posted on the day before the nominal one of publication). We have also today received the Daily Telegraph of Thursday, October 26th (four days). On Saturday, October 28th, we received The Radio Times for Friday, October 27th (only two days, allowing for its being posted the day before nominal publication).
The last issue of the King-Hall News Letter received here is that of September 29th (thirty-one days, and not yet to hand) ; since the war started this has always come extra- ordinarily late.
With the issue of the Daily Telegraph received today were two other issues, with a gap of five days between them. What has happened to the four intervening issues? Presumably they will turn up later.
We can always buy British daily papers here three days after publication, but if they are sent by post goodness alone knows (if He!) when we shall get them. They come, but in the most madly erratic order.
Letters from London to this place take in transit periods varying from six days (rare) to fourteen days (common).
The impression under which British residents here labour in irritation is that the British Post Office has become com- pletely haphazard in its ways. Of course, it may be the French railways that are to blame, but we do not think so, since there are now two regular daily trains between the French coast and this place.
In conclusion, let me say that when we do at last get an issue of The Spectator, with its sane and well-judged com- ments on the war situation, it helps and encourages us a lot.— Yours faithfully,
Cornaux, pres Chamby sur Montreux, Switzerland.