10 NOVEMBER 1944, Page 9


I MAY not love the sun too much, or the grey hills and the sky.

For I am afraid lest my love for them Should break my heart when I die.

Who knows if the sun will rise to-morrow?

To love is to know the fear of sorrow.

Their answer came like a soft west breeze, Or the gentle fluttering of springtime trees: " If you love us enough there will be no fear: "When you die to have loved us and all you hold deer " Will be treasure well spent from an endless store.

"If you fear such a sorrow, then love us more."

So I dared to love freely all friends and delight, The bustle of day, and the quiet of night ; Hard and soft, less and more, The edges of foam on a roaring shore ; And I found in loving no whimpering tears, For they are not friends—true love and fears. ROY STAGG,