Letter From New Guinea. By Vern Haugland. (hammond. 6s.,
Tins is a true adventure story in the form of the author's lett to his publisher, because although he is a journalist this se' declared literary naïf could not trust himself to......
How To Write. By Stephen Leacock. (the Bodley Head. 8s.
6d.) MANY authors, including the symbolist Mallarme, have written eloquently about that dread of the blank page, which prevents their beginning to write, an inhibition not yet......
Penguin New Writing, No. 21. Edited By John Lehmann....
Books. 9d.) PERHAPS the most welcome and unusual contribution to this number is Veronica Wedgwood's " Poets and Politics in Baroque England." Many people delight in Davenant's......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS HOPE deferred has so sickened the hearts of British investors in Argentine railways that recent news of important concessions in tariffs and exchange rates has......