hope that Pandit Nehru's magnanimity in asking for his nomina-
tion to be withdrawn from what everyone admits would have been an unfortunate contest at Cambridge will bring at least a faint blush to Janus's double face. With India teetering on the brink of leaving the Commonwealth, this was no time to risk causing offence and unpleasant- ness by the possible defeat in the election for Chancellor of a man who is acclaimed not only by "younger men of Left-wing views" as one of the greatest statesmen and patriots now alive. Let those whom Janus castigates for nominating Nehru be proud that they tried to glorify their Alma Mater by nominating one of her most distinguished sons: and let all Cambridge men join in welcoming the new Chancellor.—Yours
[Janus writes: I castigated no one. There was clearly no reason in the world why graduates who desired to nominate Pandit Nehru should not do, so.]