The Extra 100,000
Monday's debate on housing in the Commons proved to be largely an electioneering occasion. This was to be expected, and though Mr. Marple,s did his best to start it off as a......
Malaya—war And Welfare
• The war in Malaya is not going well. The best that can be said about it is that it is not going as badly as France's war in Indo- China ; there is at least no fear of the......
Strasbourg Cross-purposes
The meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at Rome last week-end was followed as usual by vigorous complaints by M. Spaak. The business of the Committee......
The Cost Of Living
There was not much satisfaction to be got for anyone out of the debate on the cost of living on Tuesday. The Liberals tidying put the motion down, a third of the party abstained......
Annual Or Perennial?
The Government is now committed to making permanent in peace-time many of the economic and administrative controls which were generally accepted as inevitable in time of war.......