Death on the Roads
While writing about life on the roads, I am reminded of its dangers. For me, as for many ether folk who love peace and quiet, the motor- bicycle is nothing but an evil. I do not propose to give the precious space of my column to statistics, but I would remind readers that most of the road casualties, especially the fatal ones, are motor-cyclists and their pillion riders. So many. of these mad young Lochinvars of the twentieth century make a kind of sex-play of temporary_ power while on their two wheels, forgetting the demoniac force latent beneath them. The results are horrifying. I have witnessed several motor-cycle accidents. one of them quite recently, and I am filled with misery even by the recollection of those drgadful moments. But such moments are common in country life today. "lad driving, owing to the return of so many worn- out cars to the roads since petrol was freed, and to sheer carelessness. incompetence and brutal selfishness, is more in evidence now than ever before. Every road in the shires of Britain is now a seam of fire, on which sooner or later some innocent victim will be immolated.