Preserving Walnuts
SIR,—In his "Country Life" notes in your issue of October 20th Mr. Richard Church asked if any reader could tell him how to preserve walnuts until Christmas. May I suggest trying a method successfully adopted by a_ relative some thirty years ago, which proved highly successful last Christmas? Fill an earthenware jar or container up to the brim with the walnuts, cover top of container with a piece of slate and bury the whole in the earth to a sufficient depth to allow a covering of ashes scme 6 or 7 inches deep. I found this method quite successful last year, as very few of the walnuts thus buried in a three- gallon size earthenware jar had gone bad, and even these were probably rotten before being placed in the jar.=Yours sincerely, G. F. BENNErr.
Gays Cottage, Church Street, Minehead, Somerset.