Editors' tenure is a vexed and perennial question, but every
now and then a particular incident, like the removal of Tom Hopkinson from the editorial chair of Picture Post, gives it immediacy. The facts here are clear. A staff representative of Picture Post was sent to Korea to report objectively on the war there. He sent home two articles, which were printed. In a third he stated some plain truths about atrocities committed by the South Koreans. The editor held the article back till the writer's return, in order to satisfy himself Of the authenticity of the story. Having done that, he arranged for its publication. The proprietor of Picture Post, Mr. Edward Hulton, Insisted that the article should not be printed. The editor insisted that as a matter of principle it must be, Mr. Hulton then announced in unusually blunt language that he had "instructed Mr. Tom Hopkinson to relinquish the position of editor of Picture Post." On the merits of the affair the public can form its judgement ; It ought not to find that difficult. Of the transience and permanence of editors generally a good deal might be said. I am told that in five post-war, years the Daily Graphic has had seven successive editors, and my impression is that there has not of late been much more stability on the Daily Mail, which parted company with Frank Owen not long ago. On the other hand, a dinner was held last Monday to celebrate Sir Bruce Ingram's completion of fifty years as editor of the Illustrated London News, with the Prime Minister to grace the occasion.