There are still rumours of change in the composition of
the French Ministry. BoURNIONT is not more acceptable to the soldiery, nor La BOURDONNAYE more au fait in the details of his office than he was when he entered on its duties. The latter published, the other day, a circular, forbidding the sale or exhibition of plates of young NAPOLEON; and sent directions to an author of a play, founded on the death of HENRY the Third, that a lay assassin must be substituted for Jacques Clements, the monk! Comte BEUGNOT, a respectable old man, and one who was esteemed a wit even by NAPOLEON, has been appointed President of the Bureau of Commerce. This is the only new appointment that has taken place, but others are looked for ; and it is remarked, in respect of the King's journey to Corn- peigne and Fontainbleau, that it has been during such journies that Ministerial changes have generally been made. The story of the smuggling, as formerly told, has been contra- dieted ; and turns out to precisely as we stated last week, an in- genious attempt (not the first probably of many, though perhaps the largest) of some runner of contraband goods to introduce them into France, under cover of the English Ambassador's name. The only blame, if blame it be, appears to consist in the courtesy which dictated, in compliment to the authority whose name was illegally usurped, the non-confiscation of the goods.