"speaking By The Card" (of Admission.)—the Brighton Cor-...
the Chronicle says that Mr. RUSSELL, the manager of the theatre at Brighton, announced a masquerade . . . " with a laudable anxiety to cater for the taste and amusement of all......
The Cron1cle And The Fire King.—the Morning Chronicle Has...
itself with the Fire King ; who writes it a furiously hot letter, such as becomes the ardour of his constitution. His most fiery Majesty charges the Chronicle with ungenteel......
The Hoax Of The M Onth. —the Wag Who Contributes This...
of mauvaise plaisanterie has an invention for absurdity which ap. pears inexhaustible. His style, too , is as surprising as his fancy; witness the following exquisite morceau.—......
The Theatres.
COVENT GARDEN. "Nil desperandum." Let this motto be adopted by every private indi- vidual and every public institution of the country. Let no man hence- forth despair either of......
The New Police And The Police Magistrates.
WE once defined a watchman to be a person who called the hours and sleeps on a door-sill. We should be inclined to define a police magis- trate as a man who jokes with newspaper......