10 OCTOBER 1829, Page 6



The accounts of the Quarter's Revenue are not made up ; but, we understand, that, with the exception of the Excise, there is an excess in all the branches of the Revenue, as compared with the correspond- ing quarter of last year. It is said, that after deducting the deficiency in the excise, there will be an increase of about 200,0001. As, how- ever, there may be some errors in the items, which may cause a slight alteration when the accounts are closed, we can only give this as a general estimate; but there is no reason to suppose that it will be far from the truth.

A Morning Paper states, that Government have received an account of a protest made by the French and English Ambassadors on the sub- ject of the treaty between Russia and Turkey. Upon inquiry, we learn that no such account has been officially received; but we are inclined to think that " there is something in it." There are no Foreign arrivals. The mail from France is now over due.

DOMINICA.—The advices received from Dominica state, that a most extraordi- nary proceeding which had occurred there engrossed public attention. It would appear that the Speaker of the House of Assembly had been tried for allowing the release of a member of the House who had been arrested. The member re- ferred to had been brought up before the House on a writ of habeas corpus, which was signed by the Chief Justice of the island. lie Speaker, the Hon. J.

H. Glanville, for such release, or rescue, as it is termed. been cited before a special jury, in the Court of Common Pleas, to answ his conduct. The

plea that members of the Assembly were free from arii, . s considered insut-

ficieet ; and the jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, ti.. ...liter of the member arrested, giving damages to the amount of 8371. 1-1n. This verdict had

created great surprise, and was expected to lead to further proceedings.