The Land of the Broads. By Ernest R. Suffiing. (L.
17pcott Gill.) —Our notice of this little volume is not, we hope, altogether too late for the present season. There is some pretty fishing for coarse fish during October ; indeed, October is a better month for the special purpose of fishing than those which precede it, though for general enjoyment of the " Broad " country the summer is to be preferred. .:Autumn requires scenery which depends for its beautron grand effects and picturesque outlines—as forests, for instance, with all the variety of changing hues. Readers who may have had their holiday for this year can take note of this little guide as one to be consulted on another occasion. Mr. Suffling tells us where to go, how to go, what to take with us, and what we may expect to find. Any one who loves angling, and has a soul not above perch and bream and roach, cannot find a more pleasant and inexpensive way of spending some two or three weeks than by hiring a boat (in which he and his friends will live) and exploring the Broads.—We may mention at the same time the "third edition" of the Tourist's Guide to the County of Norfolk, by Walter Rye (E. Stanford).