10 OCTOBER 1885, page 15


ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER, EARL OF SHAFTESBURY. DIED, OCTOBER 1ST, 1885. HE, holding Sin and Misery as one, Stern to the strong, yet shielding tenderly The weak, went forth ; and,......

A Cure For Boycotting.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J Sia,—There is a way to counteract Boycotting which I believe it would be in many ways desirable to make part of the perma- nent law in......

Free Schools.

rTo THE EDITOR OF THE " Spam...Ton:1 have just had sent to me a letter of a Rev. James Wallace, of Redcar, dated August 14th, inserted in your paper, which is so untrue, and so......

Killing The Goose.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your issue of October 3rd you have drawn attention to an "ideal system, imagined by a French economist," by which it is proposed to......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."

Impey, in his letter which appeared in the Spectator of October 3rd, respecting small holdings, states that he has " systematically " inspected the parish of Epworth, in the......


PROFESSOR NETTLESHIP'S "ESSAYS IN LATIN L 1TE RATURE." IT must seem to outsiders that a large proportion of these Essays is filled with matter of small importance. But......