ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER, EARL OF SHAFTESBURY. DIED, OCTOBER 1ST, 1885. HE, holding Sin and Misery as one, Stern to the strong, yet shielding tenderly The weak, went forth ; and,......
A Cure For Boycotting.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J Sia,—There is a way to counteract Boycotting which I believe it would be in many ways desirable to make part of the perma- nent law in......
Free Schools.
rTo THE EDITOR OF THE " Spam...Ton:1 have just had sent to me a letter of a Rev. James Wallace, of Redcar, dated August 14th, inserted in your paper, which is so untrue, and so......
Killing The Goose.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your issue of October 3rd you have drawn attention to an "ideal system, imagined by a French economist," by which it is proposed to......
[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."
Impey, in his letter which appeared in the Spectator of October 3rd, respecting small holdings, states that he has " systematically " inspected the parish of Epworth, in the......
PROFESSOR NETTLESHIP'S "ESSAYS IN LATIN L 1TE RATURE." IT must seem to outsiders that a large proportion of these Essays is filled with matter of small importance. But......