[To THE EDITOR. or THE " srscrAros."] Sin,—In your last Saturday's issue your reviewer in his criticism on Colonel Maude's book on "The Leipzig Campaign, 1813," falls into an error somewhat common among English writers. In commenting on the misprints and slips which somewhat mar the work, he notes particularly that " Davant " should read " Davoust." Surely he himself is in error ; and the name of the Commander of the old 3rd Corps of the Grand Army, the Marshal Prince of Eckmilhl and Duke of Anerstadt, should read " Davout." Those who wish to verify this statement can readily do so in the works of M. Henri Hougsaye, General Bonnal; or Colonel J. Vial,"to mention but three French writers who deal with the Napoleonic period.—I am, Sir, &c., A. F. B.