The Nightingale In October.
[TO THE EDITOR. OF THE "IREOTATOR."1 SIR,—May I ask if any of your readers heard what I fully believe I beard last night (October 6th) between the hours of two and three......
Sign Of Exceptional Warmth Of Weather.
[To THE ED/TOR or THZ "SPECTATOR.'l SIR,—When walking in the country this week, I picked a wild rose in full bloom from a briar-bush by the wayside. The bush was completely......
Egret Feathers.
• [To TER Eorroft OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —At the risk . of tiring you, I feel I must write a few lines once more in reply to Mr. Gardiner's letter ye egret feathers in the......
TRUTH UNVEILING. Awn do you weep, discrownbd man, Who strove upon the moonless way P Whose torch, that led the early van, The Sun of Truth has quenched in day 1 1 Weep not. The......
Indian Soldiers In The Transvaal.
[TO THE . EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —I am much obliged to Mr. Ritch for supplying in your last issue official confirmation of the fact which I asserted in your issue of......
Moral Instruction.
[To TUN EDITOR OF THE " SP ROTATOR." . 1 Sin,—The Press in general has been so generous in its reports of the International Moral Education Congress recently held, and has so......
The Leipzig Campaign.
[To THE EDITOR. or THE " srscrAros."] Sin,—In your last Saturday's issue your reviewer in his criticism on Colonel Maude's book on "The Leipzig Campaign, 1813," falls into an......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......