69 Birnam Road. By W. Pett Ridge. (Hodder and Stoughton.
6s.)—A small suburban villa is just the scene which we should expect Mr. Pett Ridge to choose for his story. The hero is a railway official not very highly placed, and not, one is inclined to think, of any great capacity ; the heroine his ambitious wife, who is bent on making the most of her husband. These, too, are such personages as Mr. Pott Ridge loves to manmuvre. And he does it with admirable skill. Frederick Hartley and his wife are subtle studies of character, and the reader is bound to watch with increasing interest the development of the two lives. Of the minor personae who occupy the stage, wo would single out for special praise " Florrie," the general servant at No. 69. Perhaps wo ought not to call her " minor," for her appearances are frequent, and always welcome. And there is a charming infant, " Vic," whom we are privileged to see grow till she is old enough to be "only bridesmaid" at a well-known edifice in Sloane Square.