The exhibition of the Sultan's picture at Constantinople, which
the Ulemas not long ago denounced as an impiety, was the occa- sion of a splendid show and no disturbance. A correspondent of the Morning Post gives the following t'tvely
ceremony : the unexpected appariti',Ii of the description of the real phis of Mau.
MOUD had a ludicrous effect on I-4.1s slaves.
" The 16th of August was 4:ne day fixed for the installation of the Sultan's portrait at the Arr. and the numbers °P1..assi or Grand Vizirial Hall of Justice at the Porte; .:,, in honour '....`i willing spectators in the streets showed that curiosity, if not convietio
had overcome all religious scruples on their part to this pageant the onli. : of Infidel works of art. Expectation of the coming sight was
. ieeiing to be detected ; and the fair inmates of the harems, but par- t,
:city veiled, and seated in their gilded arrabas, were evidently there, not
dreading any visitation of Providence, which some Mussulmen Cassandras had predicted, but to grace the ceremony, and be gratified in return by the splen- dour of the show. We were posted opposite the Seraglio-gate ; and, the sound of the drums having at length called forth the soldiers from their the
to occupy the Hupp which a long range of piled musketry showed was assigned to . _ . _ .
them, the Imperial band, sumptuously attired, dispelled the monotony of the previous scene, by striking up Iran* lively martial airs; performed in excellent time. The motions of the Cavatses, equalizing the ragged files of the crowd, announced that the bead of the procession was at hand. "Among the leaders Was to Ise distinguished, as ustral, the portly person of the old Seraskier Paella, with his rubicund and unwrinkled visage, alike indica- tive of vigour and sagacity. After a pause, followed a group of the Ministers and other civil functionaries, all, like the first, superbly mounted and costumed. Scarcely had this reached the Seraglio-gate, when a spectacle so extraordinary was presented as utterly bewildered and astounded the uninitiated spectators, however natural to the adepts. It seemed as if the shade of Mahomet himself lad left its airy tenement in the Kaaba, and come to rebuke his degenerate fol- lowers, who suddenly dismounted helter-skelter, and almost disappeared under the horses' bellies. There was kicking and prancing and neighing of steeds, pleased at being released from some of their heavy riders, who were at length to be detected holding the bridles in a stooping position and scampering off man and horse for about fifty paces, when the voided saddles were again resumes!. East, west, north, and south were our eyes turned ; but no extraordinary object appeared for the solution of the mystery. We were relieved from our hew ilder- anent by a fresh motion among the crowd, and the hand playing some bars of our own beautiful anthem God save the King.' Never bad we felt the effect more solemn and sublime, as an open carriage, drawn by two horses, approached, conveying the portrait covered with a silk curtain. Again the band struck up the anthem, the soldiers presented arms, and sent forth a joyous ' Burro ! .Another party of officers and public employes on horseback closed the proces- sion ; which entered the precincts of the l'orte, and the external pageant was at an end. The portrait was received without any other ceremonies than those en- joined by the respect due to the present of his likeness from the possessor of the throne. One of the Ulemas pronounced a complimentary oration on the occas Mon, coiling with a prayer for the long life and happiness of the Sovereign, ever Sealous for the safety and welfare of his people. Vi'e learnt shortly after, that the Sultan bad been observed looking mit from a kiosk over the Seraglio.walls, where he had ensconced himself to witness the ceremony incog. ; and his aspect had suddenly electrified the patty of horsemen, whose burlesque metamorphosis into pedestrians has been already described : a wave of the Imperial hand, or of some attendant, had intimated to the next group to keep their seats, and move OB."
It is said that a fresh insurrection has broken out in Albania.