The Standard Will Perhaps Be Surprised To Learn, That We
aban- don freely to its censure, the line which it picked out of one of the paragraphs of Irish news in last Saturday's Spectator, compiled hastily from the papers of that......
A Few Words On Several Subjects.
The fact of the Duke of Bedford having subscribed to the O'Connell funds was not made known to his Majesty until a few days ago; when, we are in- formed, (and our information......
The English Tithe Bill.
THE Act lately passed "for the Commutation of Tithes in Eng- land and Wales consists of ninety-seven clauses, comprising a great variety of important provisions ' whose intent......
The House-burning System.
CALAMITY is the great teacher of mankind; and though her lessons are severe and frequent, it yet requires a numerous suc- cession of her admonitory thumps on the heart before......