The epicures at Vienna are in great spirits at the
premium offered below*. ment for the importation of foreign wines, at very moderate duties, into the Austrian dominions. Champagne, which has been hitherto almoat unapproach. able, may their be had cheaply. This measure is intended as a set-off against the proceediuga of the Prussiau League, which Austria will not join.—..Aforrsins Chronicle.
As we showed in a recent article on Swiss commerce, this if the right mode of neutralizing the effect of prohibitory duties. All the " leagues " in the world will not prevent the wines of Burgundy and the Rhine from finding their way into Austrian cellars; and in payment thereof, Austrian produce of some dee scription, directly or indirectly, will be taken. The Continental system of Prussia bids fair to be as complete a failure as that of France. Were Englishmen allowed to buy the cons and timber of the Baltic, Prussia might double her duties on our manufactures with very little damage even to herself. Cooperation in mischief as well as in good is necessary to make either effectual to any great extent.