10 SEPTEMBER 1842, Page 1

A little crop of " difficulties in Ireland" has just

sprung up; and although they are as yet perhaps difficulties chiefly of news- paper-manufacture, yet they are embarrassing in this, that they all

arise strictly within what ought to be the Ministerial party itself— the Oepositionists have no active part whatever in the matter.

The difficulties are four. There was a vacancy to fill up in the

Bench, and a gentleman was selected—Mr. JACKSON —Who had already received a Government appointment ; so that created no

immediate difficulty ; but, unfortunately, the filling of one vacancy made another, or rather two—one in the office of Solicitor-General, the other in the representation of Dublin University. Sir Rosser

PEEL declared in Parliament that the principle of his appoint- ments would be, not to choose in defiance of party distinctions, but, without preferring political opponents to friends, to have regard to the qualifications of the candidates. Accordingly, a Whig was not appointed to the office of Solicitor-General, nor yet was Orangeism or inveterate Toryism sought as the recommendation ; but a gen- tleman was chosen who has the reputation of being a Conservative though he has put himself so little forward in politics that the pub- lic only know his principles by chance-hearsay, while his professional eminence is notorious. Mr. SMITH was believed to be steadfast in his political principles, but no hot partisan, and unrivalled in his practical knowledge of law ; the very description of a proper man to be a law-officer. There was, however, another gentleman, of con- siderable reputation as a pleader, and also an active politician ; and it was at once assumed, (for when was it otherwise in Ireland?) that the place was to be the reward of "tried" zeal and political "sacrifices." That gentleman, an able Parliamentary speaker, is a disappointed man, and a denouncer of the "new principle" in- troduced into the system of Irish appointments. That is the first difficulty.

The University seat in the House of Commons is the next.

HAMILTON has become so familiarized to the electors of Dublin as a Conservative candidate, that he enjoys that post by right of pre- scription and occupancy. He may not be Member—a Whig or an O'Connellite might be Member ; but the Conservative candi- dateship on the first opening belongs to Mr. HAMILTON. And he quite suits the fancy of the party ; so have him they will. But Government, it is supposed, wish to have their Solicitor-General in the House of Commons; so Mr. Ssirrii is wished to be the Minis- terial candidate. No contest at the poll is expected; but one as fierce, as exasperating, and almost as exposing to hostile attack, is going on between the Tory and Ministerial parties in Dublin, in private • and the "compromise" which ends in putting forward either of ;he candidates at the open election will be the result of a real struggle and a real defeat for one party.

The two other "difficulties" are of Lord &Byes making. A Liberal paper, that advocated a fair trial for Lord DE Gasr's Government, was recently tried for libelling a provincial Reform Club; and Lord Emor sent 50/. towards the expenses of what he believed to be a malicious prosecution. He is virulently assailed from both sides : the O'Connellites revile him for buying up a Tory paper in disguise ; the high Tory party, for bribing a paper advo- cating Repeal and the Charter, and for displaying divers personal ill qualities.

Two men were sentenced severely for breaking some goosberry- bushes : a Roman Catholic priest interceded for them; Govern- ment asked an explanation from the Magistrates; the explanation was refused, and Lord ELIOT ordered the liberation of the prison- ers: for this the Dublin Evening Mail dubs him " Mulgrave Re- divivus."

The amusing heat into which these comparatively small matters throw the Conservative party of Ireland, shows that they have not yet learned rather a plain and obvious fact, that Sir Rosser Pages is not a Tory Government. In spite of some journalizing attempts to attach that name to his Administration, it will not stick, and no one in England seriously regards the PEEL Government as Tory. The term "Conservative," indeed, does not take with its opponents,— first, because it is laudatory, while the word" Tory" is pleasantly disparaging ; and secondly, because the Conservative has taken the place of the Tory party as the rival of the Whig party. The Irish cannot conceive a fourth and novel party in the state, neither O'Connellite, Whig, nor Tory ; and it remains to be seen whether such a body can permanently act with the Tory party of Ireland instead of on it merely. But as !o ig as the policy of the new party is shaped upon English views, and it does not sto:k English feel-' ing by acting for the Irish Tory party, power will be retained in Ireland—for it will be retained in England. The" new principle" which so dismays Mr. LITTON, and the determination to judge of

each case on its merits which so bellies merely party politicians, may raise more of these factitious "difficulties," to be magnified

by quidnunc° and local cliques ; but it must have a substantial effect in improving the materiel of Government in Ireland, and confirming its power over party.