SATURDAY NIGHT. The news today is particularly scanty and unimportant ; the Queen's tour in Scotland being the foremost topic. At half-past eight o'clock on Wednesday morning,......
The Resumption Of Work By Single Factories Here And There
is re- corded in the manufacturing districts ; but the intimidators still prevail in deterring the people from their employment. A writer at Man- chester explains the evil......
The City Article Of The Morning Chronicle Has A Strange
story- " The strength of Sir Robert Peel's Government in the confidence and affections of the City people will be seen from the following fact. A gentle- man having occasion to......
A Letter From Frankfort, Of The Let Instant, States That
the King of Hanover had followed the example of the ex-King of the Netherlands, and married, towards the close of last month, the widow of the President Benlwitz. We rejoice to......
The Queen's Convoy To Scotland.
TO TEIE EDITOR OF TDB SPECTATOR. Gravesend, 5th September 1842. SIR - The care the Lords of the Admiralty have displayed, on the occasion of her Majesty's first aquatic......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The news from India, reported so incorrectly by the French telegraphic de- spatchlast week, was the chief topic of conversation at the......
East India Shipping.
Arrived-At Gravesend. Sept. 61.11, Courier, Baigrie, from the Cape; Montrose; Peters, from Bengal; 7th. Strittlieden, Wolf, from Bombay; Woolsington. Pearson ; Arippiutt.......