Arrived-At Gravesend. Sept. 61.11, Courier, Baigrie, from the Cape; Montrose; Peters, from Bengal; 7th. Strittlieden, Wolf, from Bombay; Woolsington. Pearson ; Arippiutt. Rogers; and Hortensia. Storey, from Ceylon ; Donald, Macbeth ; Justine. Loader; Lady Bute, Watson ; Palinturns. Henderson ; and W illiam Carey. Glenday, from Bengal; 91h, Colchester, Withers; and Sapphire. -, from Bombay; and Minns Houtt. Uppleby, from Singapore.
At Liverpool, 1st, Chieftain, Payne, from Bombay; 3d, Majestic. Brodie. from Bengal; 5th, Cores. Kerr, from Bombay ; 6111, Coaxer. Ridley; and Liutiu, Gillman, from Bengal. At Mauritius, May 19th. Stratford, Hyslop, from London.
At Bombay, previous to 19ilt July. Fort William, Hogg; John Bull, Scott ; Margaret, Blyth; Oeeola, Luke ; Majestic, Just ; and Midlothian, Morrison, Fr-ni Loudon ;- Kingston, Burt; and Portland. Stalker, from Liverpool; Nepaul, Campbell; Brahmin. MArthur; mid Quentin Leitch, Grey, from the Clyde; Monarch, Robertson, from Leith ; mid Independent. Hopkinson, from Hull.
At Madras, prey-kali to 9:h July, City of l'oonah, Bird ; Atlas. Sexton ; Malacca, Little; Charlotte, Hawking; Mary Bannatvne. Picken ; Mary Catherine, Taylor; and Semarang. Robertson, from London; 'Tecumseh, M'lseac; and Chanticleer, Grange, from the Clyde.
At Ceylon, June 5th, Iris, Linton; and 26th, P. Proctor. Arantrong, from London.
At Bengal, previous to 7th July, Royal Tar, Bell; John Craig, Pottingall ; Juliet, Alexander ; Henrietta, Longford; William, Caithness; and Conqueror. Duggan. from London; Jessie Logan. Major; Bahamian, Little; Windermere, Armstrong ; Hercule- nettni. Stroyan ; John M•Vicar, AI' Leutl; and Patriot Queen, 'foodless, trom Liver- pool; Halifax Packet, Colford, from Bristol ; Poultice, Merman; and W. Shand, Potter, from the Clyde; Emily. Greaves, from Newcastle. At Singapore, previous to tat June, °phone and Auu, Barker; Lucretia. Heathery; and Ann Ellis, Butcher, from London; and Felicity. M•Donald, front Liverpool.
Sailed-From Gravesend. 3d Sept. Caruatic, Hyatt, for Bombay. From Liverpool. 4th, Prince of Wales. Wilson, for Bengal; Catherine, Williams, for Bombay ; 5th. Swift, Das ie, for Ceylon. The Adelaide has been totally destroyed by Ore at Bombay.
The Montague, from Bombay to China, is wrecked sear the coast of Laconia, crew saved.
The Ann, Denham, is wrecked on the island of Formosa; crew saved, and made prisoners by the Chinese.