The resumption of work by single factories here and there
is re- corded in the manufacturing districts ; but the intimidators still prevail in deterring the people from their employment. A writer at Man- chester explains the evil effect of this to the manufacturers- ' " The Markets are getting up every week, and no stocks to supply the demand, even at the advanced rates which are now readily obtained ; but the greatest loss arises from the injury the machinery is sustaining in consequence of being so long idle. In the power-loom department this sort of injury is much greater than almost any other description of machinery; and what is still more grievous is, that the work in the looms is also spoiled, which in some work amounts in value to 4/. or 5/. Thus, if a manufacturer has 1,000 or 2,000 looms 'standing, his loss must be great indeed : averaging the injury sustained at 20s. or 30s. each, it is very serious. This sum, I have no doubt, will be un- der the average loss." .
The Ashton correspondent of the Morning Herald professes to be at the receipt of some very disagreeable information- " In Ashton, Rochdale, Oldham, Mottram, Gluasop, Stockport, Hyde' Staly- bridge, Manchester, Bolton, Bury, Blackburn, and as far as Preston and Lan-
caster, there exists an immense body of discontents, perfectly organized, who hold daily, and if necessary several times in a day, communication with each other. Secret meetings are held frequently ; but the parties do not continue more than a quarter of an hour at once, lest they should be disturbed by the
authorities. The head-quarters of the discontents appear to be at Ashton; and at this place the movements of every stranger who enters the town is watched by scouts, who are placed at every entrance into it, and should he have any communication with the authorities, the fact is made known in less than half an hour at the Chartists' meeting-room in Manchester, and a description of his person given. At the time 1 am writing, (eight o'clock,) I have good au-
thority for stating that a large meeting is beiug held on Mottram Moor; one of a series in which language is uttered totally inconsistent with the security Of property and the liberty of the subject. I am in possession of information respecting the intentions of the turn-outs in the immense district above-men- tioned, of a most alarming nature."