The news from India, reported so incorrectly by the French telegraphic de- spatchlast week, was the chief topic of conversation at the commencement of this. As a much more favourable complexion was given to the intelligence on Mon- day, we had a new order of things; and this added to the anival of higher prices from the Paris Bourse, the market for Consols opened briskly, and a de- mand for Money Stock taking place. which continued on that day and Tuesday, it caused the price to advance about 1 per cent upon Saturday ; a difference which was realized on Wednesday. There was, however, a depression at the close of that afternoon of * per cent, notwithstanding the demand for Money Stock had been going on and an investment of 50,00W. Consols for Money effected on that oay. The market was yesterday again depressed another per cent, by reason of several heavy money-saes, both for immediate transfer and the Ac- count. There is now * per cent only, in the difference between money and the settling of the 13th of October. Today, Consols declined for a moment another 4, but rallied again to the price of yesterday. The New Three-and-a-half per Cents have realized 4 per cent better price than at the close of last week. The Reduced Stocks being now shut for the dividend, parties pressing for an investment of their capital have now recourse to Consols and New Three and-a-half per Cents, which they might otherwise have employed in the Stocks just referred to. Exchequer Bills have produced the same value as last week.
An advance of 1 per cent took place on Monday last in Spanish Three per Cent Stock, owing to better prices from Paris having been received, and also by the arrival of a remittance of 30,0001 from Madrid for part-payment of in- terest on the Indemnity Bonds. The payment of the Coupons due at Septem- ber 1840 and March 1841 on these Debentures has been advertised in some of
the leading journals during the present week, to commence on the 12th in- stant. On Wednesday, Spanish Three per Cents experienced at one times further advance upon Monday's and Tuesday's prices of 4 per cent. The market was yesterday depressed by the state of Console, and by the realizing to some ex- tent on the part of those who had been going for the object alluded to, and a decline of 4 per cent took place: today, however, they have improved 4. The Spanish Five per Cents ex Coupons realized 1 per cent better prices on Wednesday than last week. It is reported that the Government of Spain are in expectation of carrying out measures for securingayment of the interest
on the New Three per cent Stock. Colombian has improved this week ; and on Wednesday, Stock sold at 4 per cent advance compared to the last, and Mexican 1 per cent. They, however, are now both rather flatter. Portuguese improved in the early part of the week 4 per cent, both the Three per Cents and Fives : but they may be quoted yesterday and today at a lower figure. In Shares, the most material alteration is in the London and Birmingham Railway, which declined yesterday 41., and today a further fall of 2/. has taken place : and the Share Market generally is heavy. Great Western old Shares advanced on Monday 21. per Share, declined on Tuesday 30s., and are full 1/. lower in value this day. London and Brighton Railway Shares may be quoted at 4 less than on Monday last, on which day they advanced 1. There is at this moment a great disposition to realize on those Shares of most value, which have had the greatest advance lately ; and it is supposed that orders have ar- rived from Liverpool and Manchester to effect sales. We trust this is an M- dication of an improvement in trade, and consequent meaus of employing money elsewhere to advantage.
There is nothing worthy of comment in the state of the English Funds, and prices are the same as yesterday. Consols for Money, 924 3; ditto for the Account, 934; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 101* 4 ; Exchequer Bills, 24d., 51s. to 53s.; ditto, 2d., 49s. to 51s.; India Stock, 249. la the Foreign Market, Spanish Three per Cents are firm at 211 4. Mexican and Colombian have both advanced 4 per cent. Spanish ex Coupons' 161 4; Bra- zilian, 66 to 67; Belgian, 102 3; Colombian, 21 4; Mexican, 36 4; Portu- guese, 354 4; ditto Three per Cents, 204 14.
In Shares there has not been much business transacted.
The Conseil market has continued precisely in the same state, and no va- riation has occurred in prices ; being for Money 924 3, and for Account 93 to 4. New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1014 4. Exchequer Bills, 51 to 53.
In Foreign Stocks, Spanish Three per Cents have declined A per cent, and Colombian and Mexican are both 4 per cent lower. Brazilian, 66 to 67; Bel- gian, 102 3; Colombian, 201 1; Mexican, 354 6; Portuguese Five per Cents, 35 to 4; ditto Three per Cents, 201 14; Spanish Active ex Coupons, 16* 4; ditto Three per Cents, 214 1. The Share-market has assumed a better appearance, and London and Bir- mingham Railway Shares are 2/. better than yesterday ; being,90 2 premium; ditto Quarter Shares, 474; ditto New Shares, 30. Birmingham and Derby, New Shares, 13. Edinburgh and Glaso'ow, 484 9; ditto .New, 5*. Great North of England, 60. Great Western, Old Shares, 834; ditto New, 60; ditto Fifths, 71. -London and Brighton, 331. ,Northern ankEastern, 38i. South- eastern and Dover, 224 ; ditto Scrip, 61.
Spec Cent. Consols 921 93 Columbian 6 per Cents..... • 21 1 DIM. for Account 93 1 Danish 3 per cents 831 44 3 per Cent Reduced shut Dutch 21 per Cents 521 11 '
31 per Cent Bute shut Mexican o per Cent. Cured. i..6 I .
New 31 per Ceuta 1011 4 Portuguese Regency 5 perets. :51 t Batik Stoek stint . Ditto New Spar Cents 1841. 291 301 Exchequer Bills, 21d... prem 51 53 Ditto 3 per Cents 201 li Ditto. 2d. do. 49 51 Russian Spar Cents - India Stuck 249 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Ceuta 66 7 ex Coupons 161 *
Belgian Spec Cents 102 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 211 4.