Tuesday, Sept. 6.
Adlington and Co. Bedford Row-II., H., and W. Charlesworth. Huddersfield, card- makers-Bishop and Groves. spirit merchants -E. and J. Wilkinson, Liverpool, wine. merchants-Zitzmann and Perkins. Soho Bazaar. jewellers-Rouch and Co. Bristol, timber-merchants-Williams and Jones. Liverpool, timber-dealers-J. and R.. Butcher. Norwich, grocers-Rayner and Co. Leeds, dyers; as far as regards G. Rayner-T.. G. F and J. W. Brameld. Tiehbourne Street, china. manufacturers-Simpson and Hall, d.oriton-upon-Medlock, chemists-Campbell and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, spirit. merchents-The Abergavenuy Brewery Companv-J. and J. Hudson, Swallow Pas. sage. Hanover Square -J. and J. Varty, Old 'Change. shawl-warehousemen-G. and H. Parkinson, Lancaster. linernImpers - A. and A. Guthrie, New Bond Street-C. and D. Smith, Broad Carr. Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturers -Best and Co. Leeds, web- manufacturers - Davis and Weston. Bristol. ironmongers.
ISELIN, JOHN James, St. Beuet's Place, Gracechurch Street, merchant, Sept. 5. Simmoas, JACOB, Longwick, Buckinghamshire, corn-dealer, Sept. 6.
HUDSON, JOHN and Jots, Swallow Place, Hanover Square, carriers.
M'Itivvez. Ione. Manchester. oil-cloth-manufacturer.
QUESTED, SAMUEL, Harrow Road, corn-chandler.
BAKER, Hzsrnv, Mark Lane. merchant, to surrender Sept. 13. Oct. 18: solicitor, Mr.
Murray. New Loudon Street ; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury.
Came, WILLIAM and BENJAMIN, Regent's Canal Basin, Incifer-mateh-manufacturers,
Sept. 13, Oct. 19: solicitor, Mr. Ashley, Shoreditch; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street.
Damien% MASON, Southorpe. Northamptonshire, miller, Sept. 26, Oct. 18: solicitors,
Mr. Wright. Gray's Inn; and Mr. Trench, Stamford.
GILBERT, MARY. Lawrence Lane. innkeeper, Sept. 13, Oct. 18: solicitor, Mr. Murray, New London Street ; efficial assignee, Mr. -Belcher, King's Arms Yard. HOLLOWAY. CHARLES, Stockbridge, victualler, Sept. 19. Oct. 18: solicitors, Mr.
Barra. Bread Street ; sad Mr. Barber, Winchester.
WEST, EDWARD PARKER, Stamford, grocer. Sept. 26. Oct. 18 solicitors, Messrs.
Clowes and Wedlake. Temple; and Messrs. Thompson aud Son, Stamford.
Sept. 27, Greenwell and Co. Fore Street. silk.mannfficturers -Sept. 29. Smith. Not- tingham. joiner-Sept. 29. Winters, Toweester, victualler -Sept. 27, Hicklio, Notting- ham, priuter -Sept. 27, Jenkins. Leominster. printer-Sept. 23. Treanor, Birmingham, hardwaremau- Sept. 28, Daglish, Neweistle-upon.Tyne, joiner-Oct. 3, Rawlings, Gloucester, innkeeper- Sept. 23. Redfern, Birmingham, gun-maker-Sept. 28, Porter, Wiggenhall Saint Germans. Norfolk. builder-Sept. 30. Guilford, North Shields, ship- owner-Sept. 27, Rigby and Co. Liverpool. hide-merchants-Sept. 30. T. and J. Scott. Birmingham, merchants-Sept. 29, E. and T. Oldham, Cheltenham, builders-Nov. 1, Bolshaw, Liverpool, sail maker-Sept. 27. Marshall, Chew Magna. Somenetshire, money-scrivener-Oct. 10, Keale. Liverpool. grocer - Sept. 27, Wallace. Pentwyn Iron- works, Monmouthshire, grocer-Oct. 10, Jones, Liverpool, block-maker.
Tube grante d, unless cause be shown to the eontroru, on or before Sept. 27.
Mobbs. Newland. Northamptonshire, plumber -Dobson. Liverpool, drysalter- Donald, Brighton, furrier.
Cenemns, Wittiau, Broughtyferry, Forfarshire, grocer. Sept. 10, Oct. 8. Mittnit„ WILLIAM. Glasgow, merchant, Sept. 10. Oct. 3. Pax, Janes, Glasgow, calico printer, Sept. 14. 30.
Friday, Sept. 9.
Perry and Perrott. Bristol. warehouse-keepers-G. and J. Perry, Bristol, har- ness-makers -Mortimer awl Haselden, Wigmore Street. booksellers - Oppenheim and Co. Mansell Street. Goodman's Fields, general factors ; as far as regards A. Oppen- helm -Clarke and Keeling, Shelton. Staffordshire, brick-maaufacturers-Southee and Turner. Brompton, linendrapers -Wright and Richards, Chester. music sellers-Ash win and Co. Stratford-on-Avon, mercers- C. and W. Lowther, Blackfriars Road, sta- tioners -Roper and Kirby. Sheffield, brewers -Jennings and Co. York, linendrapers; as far as regards R. Ascough- S. and S. Petty, Leeds. earthenware-manufacturers- T. and W. S. Fletcher. Darcy Lever. Lancashire, colliers-Alexander and Co. Man- chester, merchasts -Price and Rind, Bristol, soda-water-manufacturers-Berrie and Lodge. Leeds, canvass-manufacturers -Davis and Callingworth. Leeds, woollen- drapers-Barston and Bryan. I.eicester, ironmongers-Peel nod Co. Manchester. mer- chants-Price and Co. Huddersfield, cloth-merchants -Harvey and Collier, Sidmouth, Devonshire, linendrapers-Garwood and Roast. Gray's Inn Lane. livery-stable keepers -Wight and Co. South Shields. iron-work-forgers ; as far regards 0. Williams-W. and G. Botterill, Shoe Lane, coffeehouse-keepers-F. and J. Chiulleigh. Newton Abbot, Devonshire, plasterers-Williams and Lewis, Liverpool, bricklayers-Fryer and Co. Poole, merchants ; as far as regards W. It. Fryer.
BEERBOHM, JULIUS EWALD, and SLAUGHTER, WILLIAM EDMUND, Fenchurch Street, merchants, Sept. 8.
Catascaoss. Thomas, Sunderland, shipbuilder, Sept. 9.
RICHMOND. Jong, Lime Street, merchant, to surrender Sept. 17, Oct. 21; solicitors, Freslifield, New Bank Buildings; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street, STANLEY. CHARLES. New port. Shropshire, monerscriveuer, Sept. 20, Oct. 21; solici- tors, Mr. Newman, Lincoln's lun Fields ; and Mr. Garbett, Wellington. SYMONDS, SAPAUFJ, and SAMUEL. Basinghall Street, woollen-factors, Sept. 17, Oct. 21: solicitor, Mr. Phillips. She Lane; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. WAGSTAFF, Lucy, Worsborough Bridge, Yorkshire, victualler, Sept. 21, Oct. 21: so- licitors, Messrs. Atkinson and Pilgrim, Church Court, Lothbury ; and Messrs. Smith and Halle. Sheffield.
WALFORD, WILIJAM, Great Winchester Street, City, merchant. Sept. 28, Oct. 21: so- licitor. Mr. Paterson, Old Broad Street; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury. WHEELER, WILLIAM Dews. Birmingham, money.scrivener. Sept. 30, Oct. 21 solici- tors, Messrs. Turner and Henan:ea, Basing Lane; and Mr. Harrison, Birmingham.
1k7 Sept. 30, S. and S. L. Sotheby, Wellington Street. Strand, auctioneers-Sept. 30, Stratton and Secretan, Cheapside, faders-Sept. 30. Burgett, Walbrook Buildiugs, merchant -Oct. 3, Mills, Clapham. shipowner-Oct. 5, Morrison, Globe Street, Wrap- ping. cooper-Oct. 3, Coiling, Yarmonth, grocer- Oct. 3, Glascott and Co. Great Garden Street, copper-merchants -Oct. 7. Wilson and Briddon. Salford, machine-makers- Oct. 8, Thelwell, Manchester, silversmith-Oct. 6. Bakewell, Manchester, size menu. facturer-Oct. 3, Radcliffe aud Co. Stockport. cotton manufacturers-Oct. 8, Saver, Rochdale, wool-dealer-Oct. 8, Shillite Manchester. warehouseman-Sept. 29. Auiill, Boum Gloucestershire, umbrella-stick-manufacturer - Nov. 10, Moss, Liverpool, draper-Nov. 9, Williams, Airington, farmer-Oct. 3, Bill, Birmingham. japanner- Oct. 3. Jones, Shrewsbury, grocer-Oct. 28. May, Newport. Isle of Wight. mercer- Oct. 28, Kirkpatriek, Newport. Isle of Wight. banker-Oct. 6. Wren, Chichester, brewer-Oct. 9, W. and W. Bentley, Liverpool, merchants-Oct. 7. Stott, Bristol, soda manufacturer-Sept. 30. Cockcroft and Co. Addingbam, stuff-manufacturers- Oct. 8, Cartwright and Co. Wigan. cottowspiuners-Oct. 10, New, Great Malvern, inn. keeper-Oct. 3, Lea and Patrick, Worcester, butchers-Oct. 4, Morison, Great Malrern- lodguighouse-keeper.
To be granted. unless cause he shows to Me contrary, on or befiwe Sept. 36. Lee. Wakefield, worsted-yarn-manufacturer-Rich, Brighton, innkeeper-Leach and Co. Brick Lane. dealers- Iredale, Smithriding. Yorkshire, wollen-cloth.manufac- turer-Low. Adam's Court. Old Broad Street - Russell, Kingstoa-upon-Thames, up. bolsterer-Whitby, Green Dragon Yard. Whitechapet, builder-Barter, Poole, surgeon -Handley. Rochdale, tailor -Modem. Great Malvern, lodgiughouse-keeper -Baker, Newton Abbot, banker. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. Born. THOMAS, Paisley, manufacturer, Sept. 15, Oct. 16. CHESTER. Tautens, Glasgow, tavern-keeper. Sept. 16, Oct. 14. GARIUCK• Jolla, Glasgow, grocer, Sept. 16, Oct. 5.