10 SEPTEMBER 1898, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—I see you are publishing ring-stories. Here is one. My wife, previous to her marriage, was staying at the Grand Hotel, Paris, in 1873. She lost a large opal from a ring. A day or two afterwards a card bearing the name of M. Fran- Mew was handed to her father, and on being received the caller handed my father-in-law the opal, which he had found in one of the Salons. Some fifteen years afterwards, since our residence here, my wife lost the same opal. Search was made without success. A few days after the loss she received a letter bearing the San Francisco post-mark. This letter she mislaid : one of our children found it under a chair, and lifting it up, discovered the lost opal. So the discovery on two occasions of the stone was connected with the same name.--.I am, Sir, &c., J. R. CRAWFORD.

East Walton, Lynn, September 1st.