The Reminiscences Of A Bashi - Bazoitk. By Edward...
Arrowsmith, Bristol.)—The story which Mr. Vizetelly tells is, it is true, ancient history, for it is a thing that happened twenty years ago ; nevertheless it is worth telling.......
On The Knees Of The Gods. By A. F. P.
Harcourt. (R. Bentley and Son. 12s.)—This is an Anglo-Indian novel, the work of one who. knows what he is writing about. It is satisfactory to see that he takes a less......
Religion Of The Ancient Egyptians. By Alfred Wiedemann,...
Grevel and Co. 12s. 6d.)—Professor Wiedemann avoids the pit- fall of an attempt to systematise all that we know about the re- ligious beliefs and practices of ancient Egypt.......
Through Lattice Windows. By W. 3. Dawson. (hodder And...
title of this book, of course, suggests "A Window in Thrums." The plan, however, is not to tell what an observer sees through his or her own window, but what can be observed......
At Midnight. By Ada Cambridge. (ward, Lock, And Co.)— This
volume contains six short stories written with some power. "A Breath of the Sea," a pretty tale of misunderstanding and reconciliation, may be mentioned with spec - ;se. —......
The Routes And Mineral Resources Of North - Western...
J. Dyer, F.R G.S. (George Philip and Son.)—This volume supplies a long-felt want, as it deals with mineral resources of enormous value and extent. For instance, the mineral......
The Tenth Island : An Account Of Newfoundland. By Beccles
Willson. (Grant Richards.)—Mr. Willson gives, by way of pre- face, an amusing correspondence between a friend of his, Mr. George F. Beam, and Mr. Rudyard Kipling. Mr. Beam com-......
Derelicts. By William J. Locke. (john Lane.)—there Are...
studies from life in Derelicts. Stephen Joyce, the unhappy man who is dogged by the evil report of having been in prison, is good, but does not show so much subtlety as other......