The Routes and Mineral Resources of North - Western Canada. By E.
J. Dyer, F.R G.S. (George Philip and Son.)—This volume supplies a long-felt want, as it deals with mineral resources of enormous value and extent. For instance, the mineral exports of British Columbia alone, comprising gold, silver, lead, iron, coal, cinnabar, and copper, up to the present are valued at £20,000,000; and yet because of the want of capital and facilities for carriage there is, comparatively speaking, inactivity in this district. Mr. Dyer has compiled a book which, without doubt, is absolutely necessary to any one intending to mine in the North-West Territory. All the reports and surveys undertaken by the Canadian Government, as well as the works of travellers and the accounts supplied by miners, have been requisitioned to supply the fullest information. The navigability of the seas, rivers, and lakes, and the necessary equipment for miners are thoroughly discussed. There are large extracts from the excellent geological and topographical report of Dr. G. M. Dawson, who in 1887 went to the Yukon country. There are several useful maps, among them a very comprehensive one of British Columbia, &c., showing the various mineral districts and the various routes to the Yukon goldfields; and the latter are also fully described and discussed.