[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTAT0R.1 E,—It is often asked what has become of our old English amilies. I have just gathered white water-lilies from the elds of De Vere, now known as Diver ; one of my neigh- ours is Bohun, abbreviated into Bone ; Roy, a grand sample 0 the English labourer, was recently carried to the old rhurchyard ; for many years I employed the tall and stately Plantagenet known on my labour books as Plant; a shop in the neighbouring town is kept by Thurcytel, the modern Ipelling being Thirkettle; Godwin, the last of his race, died st a grand old age a year ago; Mortimer buys my barley ; d round me we have such names as Balding, Harrold, olf, Hacon, and Mallett. Circumstances may change, but
amous families do not die out.—I am, Sir, &c., F. S. N.