The German Emperor, watching the contest in the Far East,
is still intent on increasing his war-fleet, and extending the influence of his Empire as a "world-Power." In a speech which he made at Hamburg on Tuesday at a dinner given him by the Senate he expressed his pleasure at the fleet which the people had given him after eight years of refusals, but called it only "the kernel of a fleet," adding : "The German nation has the right to maintain the Navy and the Army which it requires for the maintenance of its interests, and no one would desire to prevent it from developing these defences in accordance with its own wish and will." Has anybody expressed any such desire ? The most that has been said is that if an immensely strong Power on the North Sea increases its Navy without any visible necessity for such increase, other Powers whose coasts also are washed by the North Sea will do well to follow its example. Otherwise when quarrels arise they may not be able to keep the peace which is, of course, the first object of the German Emperor, though expansion in Turkey, Brazil, and China may be among his minor aspirations.