The Bishop Of Worcester Contributes A Letter To The Times
of Tuesday which is in many respects the ablest and most clear-sighted utterance on the Scottish Church dispute. He defines his position clearly as a strong Churchman, and one......
Sir Howard Vincent In A Letter To The Times Of
Monday subjects Mr. Arnold-Forster's Army reorganisation scheme to a lengthy examination. With regard to the changes in the Regular Army, be thinks them too drastic, and......
The New Irish Reform Association, As We Anticipated Last...
has greatly disquieted Irish Unionists. The blessed word "devolution," ordinarily interpreted, can only imply the transference of the power to legislate to some elected body in......
One Of The Most Remarkable Voyages Ever Undertaken Has Just
been safely completed. On May 21st, 1900, Captain Voss, a native of British Columbia, set out from that colony in a two-and-a-half-ton canoe, built by a Red Indian and fitted......
Government's Policy. He Declares That The Country Wants...
and that he intends to respect the wishes of the people. After admitting that parties were so equally divided as to make a Ministry's existence dependent solely on the......
We Are Glad To Note That The Home Secretary Has
appointed a Committee to "report upon the circum stances of the con- victions of Mr. Adolf Beck in 1896 and 1904." The members are the Master of the Rolls, as chairman, Sir......
The Most Interesting Discussion At The Subsequent...
concerned with the proposal to create a Minister of Industry with Cabinet rank. Mr. Ben Tillett, who moved the resolution, declared that such a Minister should have "an advisory......
The Trade-union Congress Was Opened On Monday At Leeds Under
the presidency of Mr. R. Bell, M.P., four hundred and fifty-one delegates being present, representing a member- ship of over a million and a half. Mr. Bell in his presidential......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
Consols (2i per cent.) were on Friday 88f.......