One of the most remarkable voyages ever undertaken has just
been safely completed. On May 21st, 1900, Captain Voss, a native of British Columbia, set out from that colony in a two-and-a-half-ton canoe, built by a Red Indian and fitted with three masts and a leaden keel, He sailed first to Fiji, and then to Sydney, in which run he lost his only companion. Coasting round Australia, he crossed the Indian Ocean, and called at the chief South African ports. He then crossed the South Atlantic to Pernambuco, where he had a short illness, and finally made his way to Ramsgate, where he arrived on Friday week. Captain Voss has invented a patent sea-anchor, which, he claims, enabled him to live through some heavy ocean gales ; but no device can make his performance other than a marvel of courage and endurance. Deep-sea voyaging in a frail craft might enable one to taste some of tbe delights and fears, and understand the achievements, of the early adventurers ; but most men would hold the experience too dearly bought.