ITo THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—In your article
on " America and the Drink Question," which appeared in the issue of August 27th, the writer men- tions a concoction known as "bee wine," and inquires whether any of his readers could throw any light on the subject. An acquaintance of mine is the owner of some of these so-called "bees." and I have seen them at work.
One places Use "bees" in a jar containing a little golden syrup at the bottom and fills it up with water, and adds a dessertspoonful of white sugar every day; and in about ten days the water has become cloudy and fermented, and when flavoured with some species of fruit makes delicious wine.
The "bees " are small white things which have a soft, woolly appearance. The greater part of them collect at the bottom of the jar and the remainder float on top. Very frequently one will be seen rising from the bottom of the jar or descend- ing from the top. When the "bees" have been at work for some time and more sugar is added, the water in the jar bubbles up like a glass of soda water. What the " bees " are and how the wine is made I do not know.—I am, Sir, &c.,