The Races Of The Scottish Highlands. [to The Editor Or
THE " SPECTATOR."] Sts, —A Highlander in exile has brought to my attention Mr. F. M. Shaw's letter alleging that " the Norsemen were the aboriginals of the Western borders of......
Ministry Of Labour.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sts,—Be the article in your issue of August 13th, a temporary illness has prevented me from submitting my reply until now. I hope you will......
The Churches And The Liquor Traffic. (to The Editor Or
THE " SPECTATOR.") Sui,—Your readers who are interested in the Temperance cause will recollect the agreement on various points of reform, including Local Option (covering......
Ito The Editor Of Tn/ " Spectator.") Sir,—having Read Your
article in the Spectator of August 27th referring to the "bee wine" which is becoming popular in England, I am sending you such information as I have gleaned from observation......
Ito The Editor Or The " Spectator.") Sts,—in Your Article
on " America and the Drink Question," which appeared in the issue of August 27th, the writer men- tions a concoction known as "bee wine," and inquires whether any of his readers......
Bee Wine.
(To THE EDITOR OF TEl " SPECTATOR.") Sut,—The country folks about my home in Maryland sometimes say that they make "bee wine." What it is I cannot say, but when I was a boy and,......
The Extravagance Of Local Administration. (to The Editor...
" SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your plea (Spectator, August 27th) for overhauling the whole administrative machine is unanswerable. It applies mainly, if not wholly, to national services,......