The Moplah rising in Malabar has been brought under control.
A detachment of the Dorseta had a sharp fight with the rebels at Tirurangadi and captured the ringleader, Ali Musaliar. A .body of insurgents is still at large in the hills and is being pursued by small columns. Three hundred of the minor offenders have been tried, convicted, and sent to gaol for two years. Lord Willingdon, the Governor of Madras, told the Legislative Council last week that the rising had evidently been well organized, as it spread with incredible rapidity. He excused himself for not having taken precautions, as it was the Government's " settled policy to avoid exciting publics opinion in the hope that the effect of the reforms would be gradually to defeat revolutionary agitation." He said that the same insidious propaganda was at work in the Circars, on the coast to the north of Madras, and in the city of Madras itself, where strikes and racial riots were being stirred up. We comment elsewhere en the situation in India.