The All-India Moslem Conference in Delhi followed the All-India Congress
at Karachi. It will be remembered that as the Round Table Conference in LOndon failed to settle the minorities question the settlement was left to the Hindus and Moslems themselves. I'n the last resort, of course, British arbitration might be accepted, but there would always be the enormous danger that the judgment would be regarded as imposed. The. All-India Moslem Conference was therefore looked forward to most anxiously for the first proofs of some serious attempt at a spontaneous Moslem-Hindu settlement. Unfortunately nothing has been done. Perhaps the memories of the Cawnpore riots, which were much worse than was at first said, were too bitter for a friendly disposition on either side. A resolution at Delhi deplored the " wanton aggressiveness " of the Hindus and described Mr. Gandhi's doctrine of non-co-operation without violence as a " mere sham." * * * *