11 APRIL 1931, page 40

Competition No.

We are publishing this week the first of a series of weekly competitions. . These competitions will be set alternately by two competition editors, who will endeavour to cover a......

A Good Report.

The directors of the London County Freehold and Leasehold Properties Limited must be congratulated both upon the promptness with which they have issued their report for the past......

Equitable Life Assurance.

This Society has declared at the end of four years since the last distribution a full quinquennial bonus to whole life policies except that policies less than nine years in......

The Directors Of Rolls-royce, Ltd., At A Recent Meeting,...

to recommend at the annual meeting at Derby, on April 17th, that a dividend be paid at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum, together with a bonus at the rate of 2 per cent. per......

Answers To Questions On Venery, I.e., The Sports Of The

Chase 1. Derived from the Arabic " ta'al hona "—" come here," and brought tack to England by the Crusaders.=,---2. (a) 'Single, (b) rudder, (c) stem, (d) scut, (e) brusb.--3.......