The Englishmen at this point in the argument invokes the
Kellogg Pact and asks mildly but sincerely, "Have we not all banned war as an instrument of policy ? Why then prepare for war ? " The Frenchman's retort is the old one which proves that the two sides invariably argue from different premises. He says that he must have security before he can disarm, whereas the Englishman says that there will never be security till confidence has been created by a reasonable degree of disarmament. Mr. Henderson meanwhile plods on, trying to be patient. He has invited the German Chancellor and the German Foreign Minister to visit London in June, and they have accepted. This visit is not well viewed in France, and Great Britain is having a very " bad Press." As regards the Franco-Italian Naval Agreement, Mr. Hen- derson thinks that the new French demands—which we have discussed in a leading article—would destroy the very foundations of the agreement. What France is asking in effect is that Part III. of the London Treaty should be binding on her for only four years though it would bind the four other principals for six years. * *