Reports were given to the Conference of a meeting last
Saturday between Moslem leaders and Mr. Gandhi. Mr. Gandhi—so runs the Moslem account—had promised to concede in writing whatever safeguards the Moslems might desire, but when the Moslems stated what they did desire he replied that the Nationalist Moslems (the few Moslems who belong to the All-India Congress) had warned him that they would have nothing whatever to do with the new Constitution, if the Moslem demand for separate electorates was granted. The result was that the Delhi Conference passed a resolution declaring that if the Hindu majority clung to their present policy there would be civil war in India, and condemning the Government for their " spineless handling of the situation, due to their continued pandering to the Congress." On Monday the Conference ended without giving any instructions to the Moslem delegates to the Round Table Conference. The Times correspondent says that the absence of instructions in effect gives a free hand to the delegates. * *