11 APRIL 1931, Page 3

Reclaiming the Slums A really heartening account of what can

be done for the slum dweller by wise philanthropy was given by Mr. R. P. P. Rowe, a famous Oxford oarsman, in Wednes- day's Times. The little society which he has guided for a whole generation buys decayed houses in very poor districts, puts them in order without evicting the tenants, and entrusts them to competent women managers. It has found by experience that three poor families out of four can be lifted out of their slough of despond by having their living rooms made clean and decently habitable. It has found, too, that with careful manage- ment it can charge the lowest rents current in such districts and yet pay 4 per cent. on its capital. Thus Mr. Rowe feels justified in saying that " anybody willing to use money for a 4 per cent. return can play a most important part in removing slum conditions." Some of the many people whose money is lying idle in deposit accounts at a nominal rate of interest will, we trust, be attracted by this most useful form of investment. Mr. Rowe's address is 16 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. 2.