King Alexander of Servia was married on Sunday to Madame
Maschin with the stateliest ceremonial possible in Belgrade. To the surprise of the Courts the Czar approved the marriage, and even sent a representative to be the King's best man, and after that no Minister ventured to stay away. The determination of the King, too, who has dispensed with every disapproving Minister or remonstrating officer, has had a great effect, increased by the fact that the Radicals, who take their cue from Russia, are all abstain- ing from criticism. The ex-Premier of the party, M. Ta.uschanovitch, who was imprisoned for disloyalty, has also received a full pardon. Opposition, therefore, has died away, and there is a new Queen-Consort in Europe, now the only one sprung from the people. The King's conduct shows him in a new light as a man with a strong will, but nevertheless he has, as his father told him, missed a great opportunity of consolidating his dynasty, and securing powerful friends for Servia, which may in a near future greatly need them.