There Is Reason To Believe That The Fancy Which Has
spread through all Europe as to the weakness of the new King of Italy is based on a mistake. He is said by those who know him to be a man of firm will and clear understanding,......
King Alexander Of Servia Was Married On Sunday To Madame
Maschin with the stateliest ceremonial possible in Belgrade. To the surprise of the Courts the Czar approved the marriage, and even sent a representative to be the King's best......
In The Course Of Wednesday's Discussion Mr. Chamberlain...
attacked by Mr. Lloyd-George because "the Report of the War Office Contracts Committee showed that favouritism had been shown to a Birmingham firm." To this Mr. Chamberlain......
The Force Now Advancing On Pekin Has No Officer In
general command, but it appears that the German Emperor has appointed Marshal Count von Waldersee, the head of his Staff, to command the ten thousand Germans now afloat, and......
Mr. Bryan, The Candidate Of The Democrats For The American
Presidency, evidently thinks that Anti-Imperialism is the surest card to Way. He refuses to conceal his personal conviction that silver ought to be made by law exchange- able......
Parliament Was Prorogued On Wednesday. Before, How- Ever,...
separated, there was a scene of some violence in regard to the letters alleged to have been written by Members of Parliament which were found at Pretoria. Sir Wilfrid Lawson......
The Murder Of King Humbert, Followed By The Attempt On
Thursday week to murder the Shah, has revived the Con- tinental suspicion that the Anarchists of the world again contemplate action, this time the murder of every reigning......
On The Motion For The Second Reading Of The Appropria-
tion Bill on Monday, Mr. Burdett-Coutts repeated his regrets that the South African Commission had not been given compulsory powers, and charged Mr. Balfour and the Government......