The murder of King Humbert, followed by the attempt on
Thursday week to murder the Shah, has revived the Con- tinental suspicion that the Anarchists of the world again contemplate action, this time the murder of every reigning Prince accessible to their revolvers. Arrests of suspected persons are going on all over Southern Europe, the cause of arrest being usually some expression of delight at the murder uttered by the accused. The Italian, French, and American police are acting together, and the general result sf their efforts is that the Anarchists are "active," that a man named Malatesta has given them fresh energy by his speeches, and that their general idea is to strike at Sovereigns. There is no evidence that we see of what is usually known as a plot, but much of a common impulse, produced in part, we fancy, by the extreme prominence now allowed to Sovereigns and Princes in the Press. New proposals have been circulated for inter- national action against the sect, but it is generally felt that the laws are strong enough, and that only watchfulness will avail for Princes' protection. Everywhere the acquittal of Sipido, in the face of his own admissions, is lamented by the police, and unproved rumours are circulated that the Belgian authorities were terrorised into letting him go free. The Anarchists are certainly without a head or a ruling com- mittee, but there seems to be a fund somewhere upon which an Anarchist resolved on " action " is entitled to draw. He :tan always get good weapons and good food.